Mid-winter update!

Dear Shul Members and Affiliates,

MTWe wish to begin this midwinter update of Shul News by wishing R’ Mayer Shimon Pessin a hearty Mazal Tov on the Chasuna of his daughter Chaya Leah to Shlomo Delmonte this past weekend in London, England. Of course we wish to add a Mazal Tov as well to the Rebitzen Rochel Pessin on the the wedding of her granddaughter. May the new couple build a beautiful Bayis Neeman B’yisroel.

Matzah bakingThe Shul’s Matzah baking took place B’H on Monday (Presidents Day) and was largely successful. The matzos look excellent and smell even better. However we did not complete the full quota of Matzos we needed and will be going back to Pupa Tzeilim bakery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn this coming Wednesday March 1. The baking will be in the morning for an hour or so iy”H in order to complete the number of pounds we need. We do realize that this isn’t the most convenient time for many, however anyone who can make himself available to assist Tavo Alav Bracha!

Please make yourself known to R’ Avrohom Arlin if you would like to attend. You may also begin contacting R’ Avrohom to arrange pickup of your Matzos if you ordered with him. Please be prepared to hand him a check for $28 per pound of matza you receive. He can be reached by by clicking here to send us an email.

We are also proud to announce that this coming Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim the Shul will be consecrating a new absolutely beautiful Parochess donated by the Greenbaum family. Dr. and Mrs Stanley and Minna Greenbaum are giving the Shul this new Parochess L’Aliyas Nishmas Minna Greenbaum’s father whose yahrziet falls out at this time of year, and to commemorate the family members Hy’d killed by the Nazis yms’h. The Greenbaums will be sponsoring a kiddush in Shul this Shabbos as well.

The old Parochess

Finally, The next Pessin Chasuna is fast approaching B’H. Miri Pessin will be marrying Eliezer Zeilberger b’ezras Hashem, and we hope you are making plans to attend!

In order to facilitate your attendance we would like to arrange transportation to the wedding for the oilam. To do so we need to gauge the level of interest in organized transportation.

Please contact either the Rov or the Rebetzin to let them know if you wish to avail yourself of the arrangement. You can do so confidentially by clicking here.

Hoping that you all are having a happy and successful Winter and wishing you only Brocha V’Hatzlocha V’Chol Tuv.