Purim schedule 5779

PurimA frielichen Purim to All.

A few reminders to the Oilam as we make our final preparations for Yomtov Purim Adar II 5779.

My Father Zt’l viewed Kriyas Megilla as the Divrei Neviim extension of the Mitzva D’oraysa of Zechiras Mechiyas Amalek. The purpose of Kriyas Megilla is threefold:

  1. Its the “Hallel” of Purim
  2. Its Pirsumei Nissa of the Yeshua from Amalek (Haman)
  3. Its an opportunity to strengthen our Emuna in Kb’h, that even in an era of Hester Panim such as the Galus we suffer through now, Kb’h puts the correct people in place to effect the Yeshua of his people!

Taanis Esther schedule:

Fast begins at 5:55am, Mincha 1:35pm, Maariv 7:50pm, Megilla at night 8:05pm

Purim schedule:

Schachris with Megilla day: 8am

Mincha: 2pm

Maariv (not as on schedule!) 8:30pm

Matanos L’evyonim

I will be accepting Matanos L’evyonim for Kupas Ezra and Ezras Yisroel to be given on Yomtov day as the Halacha requires, until the completion of Schachris on Purim (the suggested amount is 2 x $7 per person)

Wishing you all a Frielichen and Lichtigen Yomtov of Purim

E. Pessin