Mazel tov – Jaffe and Zentman
The Bais Mayer Chevra Shas community would like to send out our most heartfelt Brachos to the extended Zentman family on multiple Smachos this week!
To the Zentman Jaffe and Breitowitz families יה׳׳ר that the beautiful Chasuna you celebrated this week should be במקום זמן ולשון טוב . The wonderful Zivug should “Oleh Yuffeh ” and we should all see only Nachas and Brocha from all!
In addition, we would like to convey our excitement and Brachos to the Zentman and Eichorn families on the birth (to R Ezra and Nechama nee Zentman) of identical twin baby boys bh.
יה׳׳ר שתזכו להכניתם בבריתו של א׳׳א בעתם וזמנם, ולגדלם לתורה לחופה ומעשים טובים