Unique halachos of Pesach for this year
Morai V’Rabbosai,
This past Shabbos I used the Shabbos Drasha to review the unique Halachos of a year like this one, in which Erev Pesach falls out on Shabbos. Since many of you were not in attendance , I want to reiterate some of the more pertinent Halachos that you need to know specifically for this year’s schedule.
1- We make Bedikas Chometz tonight from a half an hour after Shkiya and on, as one would do if tonight was actually (Ohr Liarba Usur) Erev Pesach. So while Chazal moved the chiyuv Bedika back a night, but it still must be done with all the pertinent halachos one does with a regular Bedika. In its proper time, without interruption, with a Brocha, and one says Kol Chamira at the end.The Bedika should be thorough with 10 pieces of Chametz in any part of the house that had Chametz in it.
2- Biur Chametz is done Erev Shabbos by 1157am, You burn the Chametz as if Erev Shabbos is Erev Yom Tov. However YOU DO NOT SAY KUL CHAMIRA at Biur in fact you have in mind to exclude all the Chametz you will eat at the Friday night Shabbos Meal and Shabbos day meal.
3- On Friday night and Shabbos morning you eat (very carefully) a Kzayis Chometz for Homotzi, taking care to collect a flush away all leftover crumbs. In the morning we will Daven at 715am to facilitate for those who wish to make 2 Seudos in the morning, during which the Achilas Chametz part must be completed prior to the Zman Achilas Chametz which is at 10;29am. In other words, You make Kiddush wash eat a Kezayis Chametz, have something else to eat, and then Bentch. Take a walk for a few minutes, then wash again eat a Kezayis Chametz and complete that Achila by 1029am. You then scatter or flush the crumbs and remaining Chametz. At that point you say the daytime Kul Chamira you would have ordinarily said with Seraifas Hachametz. You can then finish your Pesachdik remainder of the meal at your leisure. This is how Avi Umori would be Nohaig in a year such as this. Others only wash once and are Yotzei Shalosh Seudos by having fruit in the afternoon or learning Torah all afternoon (as brought in the Zohar as the Rashbi’s minhag)
4- The Shabbos Hagadol Drasha will iy’h be on Drash and will take place at 605pm.
5- All preparations for the Seder MUST BE DONE ON EREV SHABBOS so that you can, enter the seder time on Motzaei Shabbos with a minimum of delay, because you have already prepared the Maror, Zeroah, Beitza Chazeress and salt water for Karpas prior to Shabbos. Measuring off portions of Maror should also be done prior to Shabbos if that’s what you generally do. If possible try to set the seder table as well prior to Shabbos and have the Shabbos meals at a different table.
6- The first night of Pesach (Motzaei Shabbos) requires YAKNEHAZ in kiddush
First, Birchas Hagafen then Bichas HaChag (Mikadesh Yisroel VHazmanim) Then Ner (Borai Meorai Haesh) after that Havdala and finally Shehechiyanu. My father held it was more Kdai to use a one wick regular candle for Borai Meorai Haesh than to hold two wicks together. The Chashash Isur Kibui on Yomtov is far greater than the inyan of having multiple wicks at Havdala.
7- The Chametz will be sold for those who requested it 615pm tonight and for everyone else at 1015 tomorrow morning. Except for the Chametz you held out for eating Friday and Early Shabbos morning YOU MAY NO LONGER ENTER THE CHAMETZ AFTER those times.
We usually buy the Chametz back an by an hour after the Zman.
Hoping you all have a wonderful Chag Kasher V’Somayach
E Pessin