Boruch Dayan Haemes – Chaim Slomiuc’s father
Baruch Dayan Emmes! Reb Chaim Slomiuc’s father, R Simcha Leib Slomiuc z’l was nifter yesterday evening.. The Levaya is in Shomrei Hadas this morning in Brooklyn at 11am. The burial however, is here in Monsey, in the Viznitz Chelka of the Bais Olam on Rte 306 (corner of Brick Church rd) The Burial should take place around 130pm iy’h. Reb Chaim will be sitting Shiva in his home just this afternoon for a short time after the Kevura. He will sit in Brooklyn for the rest of the week until Yom Kippur.
May we all share only Smachos in the future. Gmar chasima Tova to all.