Mazel tov – Jaffe
Dear All,
It is with great joy that we inform you of the birth of a ben habechor, a new baby boy, to R’ Dovid Jaffe and his wife in Yerushalayim Ihr Hakodesh.. Mazal Tov to them, and to R Rephael and Chanie Jaffe the happy grandparents, as well as of course “The Doctors” Zentman, R’ Shmuel and Lynda, the happy great grandparents, who are B’H already there in Yerushalayim to greet this newest addition to their beautiful extended family.
שתזכו להכניסו לבריתו של א׳׳א בעיתו ובזמנו ולגדלו לתורה חופה ולמעשים טובים