Shul security
Morai V’Rabbosai,
Our Shul/Kehilla has a golden opportunity to avail itself of serious Federal grant money given to upgrade the Shuls security. We can improve our windows, locks and doors. Upgrade our lighting and even put in fences and security cameras. However in order to submit our application the government requires a security assessment. The assessment is done by a government recognized firm and costs $2600. To date we have raised $1600 towards that assessment and time is running out for us to submit our application. If you feel able to help us towards our goal we would be very very grateful and the potential benefit to the Shul can be enormous. If you wish to contribute can you please get in touch with either me or R’ Shmuel Zentman or R Bentzion Dickman. Please make sure you identify your donation as going to the “Security Assessment”
Brocha V’hatzlocha,
Rabbi Ephraim Pessin