Shavuos learning 5784 – Topics
I want to remind the Oilam, that Yomtov Shavuos begins Tuesday evening iy’h. The Shul will have refreshments for those who are planning to come learn in the Bais Hamedrash, beginning at about midnight. We will Bezras Hashem have one minyan for Schachris first day Yomtov starting at 4:45am. All are urged to come learn and daven with us.
I will bli neder be learning a bit with those who are interested during the night iy’h. One of the topics will iy’h be the Braiseh in Perek Vav of Mesechtas Avos which discusses the 48 ways to be Koneh Torah.
A gutten Yom Tov
E. Pessin