Guide to Eruv Tavshilin from Rabbi Pessin

Morai V’Rabbosai,

I am writing to remind the Oilam about making an Eruv Tavshilin today before the start of Yomtov.

The following are some pertinent halachos in this regard: 

1. The food you are preparing on Yomtov is specifically for Shabbos. That there will be left over food is not an issue if that isn’t your specific intent.

2. Ideally you need a piece of bread and another Tavshil you can eat on Shabbos,e.g. an egg or piece of fish, and they should be raised together when making the Bracha and then put away until Shabbos

3. There is a Hidur Mitzva in using a complete roll and a decent portion of tavshil

4. Lichatchila, one should make the Bracha and state the verbal statement in the presence of anyone in the family who will be involved in doing preparatory activities. So if your wife or daughter are doing the cooking, they should be present when you make the Bracha. Bedieved, you can be somech on the Eruv if they happened not to be there.

5. One who doesn’t understand Lashon Hakodesh or Aramaic should say the verbalization in a language He/She understands.

6. Important to note: If at any point in the past you forgot to make an Eruv Tavshilin and you ended up relying upon the Eruv of the Rav of that location, the Mishna Berurah brings Shittos that indicate,  that is a once in a lifetime pass! and you may not be Somech on the Rav again!

I want to end with the following bracha to everyone:

The Ribono Shel Olam should be מברך you and your family with ברכה עד בלי די  and be ממלא ביתך מאוצרו הטוב  ,שתהי מלאכתך לחיים ולברכה ,ושתהי מן המועילים והמשפיעים טוב לכל אדם תמיד

May the Ribono Shel Olam fill your home with only Smachos Nachas וכל טוב this year and every year עד ביאת גואל צדק במה”ב

כתיבה וחתימה טובה

E. Pessin