Dedication opportunity!

Dear All,

If you have been at the BH’m at 3 Smolley recently, you may have noticed that he Shul has begun the attempt to put together 2 complete “Shas”sim for our Bais Hamedrash. We are looking to have a complete Artscroll Shas and a complete Mesivta Shas. Two sets of Seforim I personally believe that no Bais Hamedrash should be without these days.. We are much closer on the Artscroll than the Mesivta, however anyone who is inclined to help us with either or both, it would be greatly appreciated. Insofar as the Artschroll Shas is concerned, we are in need of Volumes 1-10 at the beginning of the set and from 50-73 at the end (more or less) We are looking for volumes in the the “Daf Yomi” size (midsize hard cover) . As for the Mesivta Shas, if you have any medium size volumes in good condition you wish to donate we will be glad to have them.

Wishing all Brocha,Hatzlocha and Gezunt !
E Pessin