Baruch Dayan Haemes – Mrs. Rochel Kaplan
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rochel Kaplan A”H, mother of Rebbetzin Rella Pessin.
The levaya took place in Detroit yesterday.
Rella will be sitting Shiva for 2 days in Lakewood with her sister Mrs Brina Schultz at 174 Enclave Blvd. She will be sitting in Monsey on Wednesday Taanis Esther at our home. Purim and Shushan Purim are days which on one hand are still part of the Shiva, however the aveilim don’t sit a regular Shiva, they wear regular clothes and don’t sit on low chairs. Also one doesn’t bring mishloach manos to availim. Please bear these minhagim in mind if you are planning a Nichum visit and or sending mishloach manos.
May we all share only Smachos in the future.