A gezunte vinter

Morai V’Rabbosai,
Ah Gezunten Vinter and a Gut Vuch.

Hoping all had wonderful Yommim Tovim, and we certainly enjoyed the wonderful Simchas Torah Hakkafos in Shul this year.
A scheduling note: As of tomorrow (Sunday Oct 22nd) Maariv every evening will now begin at 8:30pm (as opposed to 8;45 pm until now)
As of November 6th (and the change to EST) Mincha will be at 1pm rather than the 135pm time it is now
I also want to take this opportunity to inform the Olam of some very sad news I was given over Yomtov but couldn’t share until now : It is regarding the petirah in Eretz Yisroel on Erev Rosh Hashana of Mr Benjamin (R Binyomin Yitzchok Hacohen) Hager Esq. Ben Hager z’l was one of my fathers earliest supporters in Monsey and was an instrumental founding member of our Shul.
המקום ינחם משפחת הגר בתוך אבלי ציון וירושלים

We should hear only Besuros tovos in the future iy’h
E Pessin