Mazel tov – Haber family
Morai V’Rabbosai,
We are very happy to share with you a brand new Mazal Tov.
Mazal Tov to R’ Shimon Haber and his wife and family, as well as R’ Daniel Cohen and his wife and family on the Engagement of their son and grandson Hillel נ׳׳י to Miss Ruthy Chams, just prior to this past Shabbos.
May Kb”h bless the new couple with only Nachas and Bracha and Hatzlacha, and may the Cohen and Haber families see only continued Smachos and Nachas from this new couple, as well as all their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren עד ביאת גואל צדק במה”ב.
Bracha V’Hatzlocha to all
E. Pessin