Mazel tov to the Goldberg family!
Mazal Tov to R’ Yitzchock Goldberg and his Rebitzen, on the birth of another granddaughter b’h to their son R’ Shaya and his wife …
Mazal Tov to R’ Yitzchock Goldberg and his Rebitzen, on the birth of another granddaughter b’h to their son R’ Shaya and his wife …
הודו לה׳ כי טוב כו לעולם חסדו Mazel tov to our dear Rov and Rebbetzin on the birth of a grandson, son …
Baruch Dayan HaEmes We regret to to inform the congregation of the Petirah of R’ Yisroel Elizer ben R’ Uri, Dr. Stanley Greenbaum …
Mazel tov to Bernie Gross on the birth of a grandson in Detroit! The baby’s name is Moshe. Bernie was Sandik to …
Mazal Tov to R Avrohom and Nona Arlin on the birth of a new grandson to their children Dr Ezrah Arlin and …
Mazal Tov to R’ Yechezkel and Ursula Lehmann on the engagement of their granddaughter Faigy, the daughter of Rabbi Avrohom and Shani …
A special Mazal Tov to R Sheldon Eisenberger and his wife on the birth of a new great grandchild, may they be …
We wish a special Mazal Tov to Reb Avi and Dr Leah Adams on the birth of a new grandson to their …
Morai V’Rabbosai,Due multiple technical reasons including Sefirah counting times, we have decided to move the daily MAARIV MINYAN TO 8:45PM (from its …
Morai V’Rabbosai,Just a short request from all those who use our Bh’m.The seforim in the Shul are meant to be used in …