Shiurim and classes
There are multiple shiurim and learning opportunities for both men and women. We invite you to come learn with us!
Before Shacharis – Gemara B’iyun – Given by the Rov Shlit”a
After Shacharis – Gemara B’iyun Maseches Megillah – Given by the Rov Shlit”a
8:15 AM – Hilchos Shabbos, Given by the Rov Shlit”a
3:30 PM (Summer only) – Haftarah or Tehilim – Given by Rebbetzin Pessin in the old Beis Hamidrash (for women)
6:00 PM (following 5:40 PM mincha): Pirkei Avos, Given by the Rov Shlit”a
10:00 AM – Chumash-Rashi – Given by Mr. G. Backenroth in the old Beis Hamidrash