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Mazel tov – Sherwinter Family

Mazal Tov R’ Tzvi and Rochelle Sherwinter upon the marriage of their granddaughter Chana Sherwinter, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel …

Mazel tov – Zentman Family

Mazal Tov to Dr. and Dr. Zentman on the marriage of their grandson Nesanel Schwartz, son of Rabbi Chaim and Devorah Schartz …

Mazel tov to Yitzy Zucker!

A heartfelt Mazel Tov to Yitzy Zucker on his engagement to Ora Pepper of Monsey. May they build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel …

Mazel tov to the Arlins

Mazal Tov to Avrohom and Nona Arlin on the birth of a new Granddaughter in Eretz Yisroel. Mazal Tov to their son …

The new schedules are out

The new schedules for the entire summer and for the Yomim Tovim. Please click here to be taken to the page where …

Mechiras Chometz 5781

Mechiras Chometz will begin the week March 7. This year we will offer direct Mechira in shul or we will allow a …

Appeal for new floor

The Shul is in the midst of an appeal to raise $1,800 to replace the floor in the old Bais Hamedrash which …