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New shul schedules are out!

Dear Mispalelim, The new shul schedules are ready. A special thank you goes to the shul’s Vice President, R’ Rafael Jaffe for …

Mazel tov to the Cohn family

A hearty Mazal Tov to R’ Henoch and Mirjam Cohn on the engagement of their daughter. This new zivug should be oleh yuffeh …

Mazel tov to Bernie Gross

A Groiseh (sorry for the bad pun) Mazal Tov to Reb Bernie Gross and his wife on the engagement of their daughter …

Upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach

Morai V’Rabbosai, Purim is now behind us and we are starting to prepare for the Regel of Pesach.  A Chag Kasher V’Samayach …

Taanis Esther and Purim 5784

Morai V’Rabbosai, Purim this year falls out on this coming Motzaei Shabbos/Sunday: The following is our Shul schedule for Taanis Esther which …

Seforim update

Thanks to the generosity of a number of donors, the Shul now finally has a complete set of Artscroll Gemaros for use in our Bh”m. …

Please help the shul

Reb Eliezer Vilinsky, our esteemed and valued Shul treasurer, informs me that the Shul is now unfortunately very low in funds due …

Mazel tov – Hook

A very big Mazal Tov to Rabbi Shimon and Batsheva Hook on the first Engagement of a Grandchild, their eldest granddaughter Adena …