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Baruch Dayan Haemes – Vilinsky

We regret to inform you that our Shul Treasurer R’ Eliezer Vilinsky is sitting Shiva for his brother, Ira, Yitzchok Shmuel Ben …

Mazel tov – Gross

Mazal Tov to Reb Bernie and Chaya Gross on the birth of a new grandson to their son Yaakov and his wife. …

Mazel tov – Arlin

A Hearty Mazal Tov to R Avrohom and Nona Arlin on the engagement of their grandson Yerucham Rosenberg to Haddasah Gold of …


Maariv on Purim eve is iy’h at 630pm therefore MEGILLAH LAINING AT NIGHT IS AT 645pm iy’h, There was an error in …

Mazel tov to the Rottenberg family

Mazel tov to R’ Shmuel Rottenberg and his wife on the birth and Bris of another little boy b’h  שיזכו לגדלו לתורה …

Mazel tov to the Stern family

Mazel tov to Shlomo and Keren Stern on the birth of a baby girl! Mazel tov to the grandparents, the Sterns of …

Mazel tov to the Jaffe family

It is with great joy that we inform you of the birth of a second son to Dovid and Shayna (Jaffe) Rosenberg,.. …