Yartzeit plaques


February 26, 2017

A message from Rabbi Pessin:

We have finally reached the point where we are ready and planning to put up a לזכר נשמת memorial wall in the Shul. The Shul thanks R’ Raphael Jaffe for providing us with the means to get the project started. In order to know however, the amounts we need upfront we are trying to get a picture of how many yahrtziet plaques each of you are interested in.

Please note my Father ZT”L’s name will be inscribed above, and the wall will be automated (meaning the LED lights will be pre programmed to go on for the week of the Neshama’s Yahrtziet to insure no Yahrtziet is ever forgotten). We are planning to charge $325 per plaque with a discount of up to $50 based on the number of plaques ordered. The plaque will contain The English and Hebrew name of the nifter/nifteres (the hebrew would be have the complete name eg; Reuven Shimon ben Levi), the dates of birth and Petirah and room for a small possuk or pisgam from chazal (no more than 6-7 words e.g. אוהב שלום ורודף שלום).

Please use the form below to let us know how many plaques you would like to dedicate.

Thank you.

Rabbi Ephraim Pessin


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